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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2021-10-11 发布人:admin
The valve is a pipeline accessory used to open and close the pipeline, control the flow direction, adjust and control the parameters (temperature, pressure and flow) of the transmission medium. From simple stop valves to various valves used in complex automatic control systems, they have a wide variety and specifications. The nominal diameter of valves ranges from small instrument valves to industrial pipeline valves with a diameter of 10m. The working pressure of the valve can range from 0.0013mpa to 1000MPa, and the working temperature can range from c-270 ℃ to 1430 ℃. During the use of the valve, the sealing surface of the valve is often damaged, and internal leakage will occur if it is damaged. Why does this happen? There are many aspects to understand here. Let's take a look.
Mechanical damage: the sealing surface will be scratched, bumped and squeezed during opening and closing. Under the action of high temperature and high pressure, atoms permeate and exude each other, resulting in adhesion. When the two sealing surfaces move with each other, the adhesive part can be easily pulled and torn. The higher the coarseness of the sealing surface, the easier this phenomenon occurs. During the sealing process of the valve and the reseating process of the valve disc, the sealing surface will be bumped and squeezed, resulting in local wear or indentation on the sealing surface.
介质的冲蚀,它是介质活动时对密封面磨损、冲洗、汽蚀的结果。介质在一定的速度下,介质中的浮游细粒抵触触犯密封面,使其造成局部损坏,高速活动的介质直接冲洗密封面,使其造成局部损坏,介质混流和局部汽化时,产气愤泡爆 破冲击密封面表面,造成局部损坏。介质的冲蚀加之化学侵蚀交替作用,会强烈的浸蚀密封面。
Medium erosion is the result of wear, flushing and cavitation of the sealing surface when the medium is active. When the medium is at a certain speed, the floating fine particles in the medium collide with the sealing surface and cause local damage. The high-speed moving medium directly washes the sealing surface to cause local damage. When the medium is mixed and partially vaporized, gas bubble blasting will impact the sealing surface and cause local damage. The alternating action of medium erosion and chemical erosion will strongly etch the sealing surface.
Chemical erosion of the medium. When the medium near the sealing surface does not generate current, the medium directly acts with the sealing surface to erode the sealing surface. Improper installation and maintenance led to abnormal operation of the sealing surface, faulty operation of the valve and premature damage to the sealing surface.
Damage caused by improper model selection and poor operation. The main performance is that the valve is not selected according to the working conditions, and the block valve is used as a throttle valve, resulting in excessive sealing specific pressure, too fast sealing or lax sealing, so that the sealing surface is eroded and worn


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