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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2022-01-04 发布人:admin
So what is the difference between switching value and analog value in electric valve?
1. Switching value: the physical quantity has only two states, such as on and off of the switch, on and off of the relay, on and off of the solenoid valve, etc. It refers to the acquisition and output of discontinuous signals, including remote signal acquisition and remote control output. It has two states: 1 and 0
2. Analog quantity: the control system quantity is a continuous value varying within a certain range. For example, the temperature is from 0 to 100 degrees, the pressure is from 0 to 10MPa, the liquid level is from 1 to 5m, the opening of electric valve is from 0 to 100%, etc. these quantities are analog quantities. It refers to the quantity that the variable changes continuously in a certain range; That is, any value (within the value range) can be taken within a certain range (definition range).
Electric actuator
For the control system, since the CPU is binary and each data has only two states of and 1, the switching value can be represented by only one bit inside the CPU, for example, on and off with 1. The analog quantity usually needs 8 to 16 bits to represent an analog quantity according to the accuracy. The common analog quantity is 12 bits, that is, the accuracy is 2-12, and the high accuracy is about 2.5 per 10000. Of course, in the actual control system, the accuracy of analog quantity is also limited by the accuracy of analog / digital converter and instrument, which is usually impossible to reach such a high level.
There are only two opposite working states of switching value, such as high level and low level, power on and power off of relay coil, power on and power off of electric shock. PLC can directly input and output switching value signals. Some PLCs call switching value digital value.
Analog quantity is a continuously changing physical quantity, such as voltage, temperature, pressure and speed. PLC can not directly process analog quantity. It needs to use the A / D converter in the analog input module to convert analog quantity into digital quantity proportional to the input signal. The digital quantities in PLC (such as the output of PID controller) need to be converted into voltage or current proportional to the corresponding digital by D / a converter in analog output module for use by external actuator (such as electric control valve or frequency converter).
The switching value is either energized or de energized, or called 0 and 1. 0 represents energized and 1 represents de energized. For example, buttons, switches, time relays, overcurrent and pressure relays belong to input and output contactors, relays, solenoid valves, etc. Analog quantity is a continuously changing quantity. For example, the input includes sensors, and the output includes servo motor, solenoid valve, distance, speed and other control signals. In other words, the switching value is a real object, while the analog value is a virtual object, such as drawing on a computer.
Difference between switching value and analog value: the difference between switching value and analog value. Digital value is 0 and 1, that is, there is only one input / output I / O, while analog value is a variable, such as the monitoring of pressure, voltage and temperature. It is a process, which usually requires the input and output of words or bytes. Switching value includes input value and output value. It is a digital signal with only two states of 0 and 1. The input is from the contact outside the protection device for use by the protection device. The output is the contact provided by the protection device to the outside, which is supplied to external equipment, such as switch tripping, etc.
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