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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2022-03-14 发布人:admin
Application of self operated pressure regulating valve
Because the self operated pressure regulating valve does not need other external energy sources, such as power supply and gas source, it is driven only by the energy of the medium itself, which is energy-saving, environment-friendly and convenient to use. After the installation is completed, the pressure value can be set and put into automatic operation. Therefore, it has been more and more widely used in the occasions with low requirements for control accuracy and lack of power supply and gas source.
However, this valve also needs to be correctly selected, installed and used to ensure that there are no problems after it is put into operation. There is no need to say more about the selection. For example, whether the regulating valve is used to control the pressure in front of or behind the valve, whether the medium is at room temperature or high temperature, whether it is corrosive, the maximum working pressure, etc., we must find out in advance. We mainly talk about the problems of installation and use. Because I recently encountered a problem in the use of self operated pressure regulating valve, which is very representative.
The valve is used on the steam pipeline. It has only been put into use for one or two months, and the user will apply for repair. Upon arrival at the scene, a large amount of steam was discharged from the exhaust hole of the diaphragm head of the regulating valve, with great noise and amazing momentum. The cause of the accident was that the steam directly entered the membrane head without condensation and burned the membrane.
For the self operated pressure regulating valve used in the steam pipeline, a condensate tank must be added between the actuator and the pipeline during installation, and the steam cannot enter the membrane head of the actuator. Moreover, the regulating valve must be installed head down, and the condensate tank must be higher than the membrane head. For the first use, the condensate tank and membrane head must be filled with water. Look at the on-site installation method and ask the on-site instrument personnel. These are all OK. So what caused it? It's puzzling. Later, I asked an operator carefully and learned by accident that after the valve was installed and put into use, the copper pipe joint between the condensate tank and the membrane head has been leaking intermittently. It turned out that the water leakage led to the slow leakage of water in the condensate tank, and the steam entered the membrane head and burned the membrane.
It can be seen that when the self operated pressure regulating valve is used on the steam pipeline, more attention must be paid to the installation and maintenance. In order to ensure the normal operation of the regulating valve, do not let the joint leak or the condensate tank lack water. Check regularly and add water in time. In fact, not only the self operated pressure regulating valve, but also other self operated regulating valves need to pay attention to maintenance when in use.
In addition, if the steam pressure is high, it is best to choose piston actuator instead of membrane actuator, because the pressure that the diaphragm can withstand generally does not exceed 0.4MPa. Although it can be used, it should greatly reduce the service life.
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