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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2023-06-06 发布人:admin
There are many factors that affect the service life of solenoid valve products, and corrosion of solenoid valves is one of the important influencing factors. Extending the service life of solenoid valves, improving project safety, and corrosion prevention of solenoid valves are important considerations. How can electromagnetic valve products be effectively protected and what are the precautions in purchasing them?
Select corrosion-resistant materials based on the type of medium
In practical production applications, electromagnetic valves face a variety of media types, and even for the same medium, the corrosion rate of materials varies under different pressures, temperatures, and concentrations. For example, aluminum is highly corrosive in concentrated nitric acid with a concentration of over 80%, but corrosion is not severe in medium to low concentrations of nitric acid. Carbon steel, on the other hand, exhibits the most severe corrosion in sulfuric acid at a concentration of 50%. However, when the concentration reaches over 90%, the corrosion sharply decreases. Therefore, when purchasing solenoid valve products, specific analysis of the type of medium and the degree of corrosion of materials by different concentrations of medium can be conducted, and the manufacturer can also be consulted directly.
Selecting corrosion-resistant solenoid valves
Corrosion resistant solenoid valves are solutions specifically designed for corrosive media. Many corrosion resistant solenoid valves use non-metallic materials as the contact surface between the solenoid valve cavity and the media. Materials such as natural rubber and polytetrachloroethylene not only have good corrosion resistance characteristics, but also play a role in saving precious metals as long as the pressure and temperature of the project environment meet the characteristics of the materials.
The surface treatment of electromagnetic valves can be divided into thermal spraying and painting. Thermal spraying is one of the technologies that adds a protective layer to the surface of equipment. Thermal spraying is the use of high energy density heat sources, such as gas combustion flames, arcs, plasma arcs, electric heating, gas explosions, etc., to heat and melt metal or non-metallic materials, and spray them in the form of atomization onto the pre treated basic surface, forming a spraying layer. Thermal spraying can improve the corrosion resistance, wear resistance, high temperature resistance and other characteristics of the surface of electromagnetic valves, and extend the service life of products.
Spraying paint is a common method, which belongs to non-metallic materials. When applied to metal surfaces or cavities, it can effectively isolate the medium and atmosphere, achieving anti-corrosion purposes. Controlling the corrosive environment is mainly aimed at the working environment where the solenoid valve is located, such as effectively controlling dust, water vapor, smoke, and toxic gases in the environment, and maintaining a clean and dry environment.
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