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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2022-03-09 发布人:admin
When many people use the micro exhaust valve, they have encountered the damage of the micro exhaust valve. What is the reason for this situation?
1. Poor combustion will not only increase the exhaust temperature, but also form carbon deposition in the combustion chamber. With the increase of exhaust temperature, the working environment of exhaust valve becomes worse. With the increase of other conditions, the combustion loss of exhaust valve increases.
2. Some carbon deposits in the combustion chamber will be discharged with the exhaust gas and stick to the sealing surface of the exhaust valve and valve seat like the above particles. In particular, the heating temperature of heavy oil is not well controlled, the viscosity is too high, the fuel injected into the cylinder is difficult to atomize, and the piston of high-pressure oil pump is worn, resulting in backward combustion, which will cause carbon pollution in the sealing area of exhaust valve and valve seat. In addition, after various complex heat treatments in the combustion chamber, the impurities in the fuel are deposited in a layer of glass hard and brittle materials on the sealing cone of the exhaust valve disc and valve seat, and mixed with carbon particles such as sodium sulfate, calcium sulfate and iron oxide.
3. When the deposition thickness of this layer of glassy sediment is too large, cracks will appear under the action of impact force when the valve is closed. After repeated impact, it will develop into flakes, thus forming the combustion valve of high-temperature gas jet channel.
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The above is the detailed introduction of Lianggong valve. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service //www.rabieb.com


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