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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2022-08-08 发布人:admin
A check valve is a device that allows fluid to flow in only one direction. They have two ports, one as the media inlet and the other as the media output. Because they only allow one-way flow of medium, they are usually called "one-way valves" or "check valves". Xiaobian tells you that the main purpose of the check valve is to prevent backflow of the system.
The check valve works by pressure difference. They require the pressure on the input side of the valve to be higher than the pressure on the output side to open the valve. When the outlet side pressure is high (or the input side pressure is not high enough), the valve will close. The valve factory tells you that the closing mechanism is different according to the valve type. Unlike other valves, they do not require handles, levers, actuators, or labor to function properly. They are usually installed in applications where reflow can cause problems. However, since they are non-return valves, they are inexpensive, effective and simple solutions to potential problems. If the backflow is contaminated, the backflow may cause problems and thus contaminate the upstream medium.
The sewer will have a check valve to ensure that waste can leave but not re-enter the system. They can also be used if backflow can damage the upstream equipment and only allow the media to flow in one direction. The valve manufacturer told you that the reverse osmosis filter can only allow water to pass in one direction, so a one-way valve is installed at the downstream to prevent this situation. There are various sizes, designs and materials to ensure that each application has a check valve.
以上就是为大家介绍的有关 上海良工阀门山东销售处的详细的介绍,希望对您有所帮助.如果您有什么疑问的话,欢迎联系我们.我们将以的态度,为您提供服务 //www.rabieb.com
The above is the detailed introduction of Shanghai Lianggong valve Shandong Sales Office. I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with services in a professional manner //www.rabieb.com


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