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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2022-08-12 发布人:admin
Check valve
Check valve the function of this type of valve is to only allow the medium to flow in one direction and prevent the flow in the opposite direction. Normally, this valve works automatically. Under the pressure of fluid flowing in one direction, the valve flap opens; When the fluid flows in the opposite direction, the fluid pressure and the self weight of the valve disc act on the valve seat to cut off the flow.
Signal butterfly valve
The signal butterfly valve is an ordinary butterfly valve with a set of signal lines and is connected to the fire alarm host together with the monitoring module. If the indicator light of the signal (input module) module is always on, the valve is closed, and if the indicator light of the module is flashing, the valve is normally opened. The signal butterfly valve in fire fighting is the switch in the fire fighting pipe network. The water in the fire fighting pipe network must be kept unblocked so as to ensure the timeliness of fire fighting. Therefore, once the signal butterfly valve is closed, the signal module will report the feedback information to the host to inform the monitoring center that the fire fighting pipe network is closed. The opening and closing of ordinary butterfly valves can not be known through the alarm host, but can only be checked on site.
Safety valve
The safety valve plays a safety protection role in the system. When the system pressure exceeds the specified value, the safety valve is opened to discharge part of the gas / fluid in the system into the atmosphere / pipeline, so that the system pressure does not exceed the allowable value, so as to ensure that the system will not have accidents due to the high pressure. The safety valve is an automatic valve. Normally, no person is required to open or close it. When the pressure of gas (liquid) in the pipeline exceeds the specified value, the pressure will automatically open the spring device on the safety valve to discharge the gas (liquid) in the overpressure part.
Low relief high seal valve
The function of the low leakage high sealing valve is to prevent the system from misoperation due to the accumulation of drive gas leakage. It is installed on the start-up pipeline of the system and is normally open. It is closed only when the inlet pressure reaches the set pressure. Its main function is to remove the gas accumulated in the start-up pipeline due to the leakage of the gas source. The slightly leaked gas pressure is not enough to push the spring, and the gas will be discharged along the air outlets on both sides of the spring. Once the gas pressure exceeds the value set by the low pressure relief high pressure sealing valve, the air pressure pushing spring will seal the air outlet to ensure that the pressure of the driving gas can open the starting gas cylinder.
Float valve
The large round ball is hollow and its density is far lower than that of water. The float always floats on the water. When the water surface rises, the float also rises. When the float rises, the connecting rod also rises. The connecting rod is connected to the valve at the other end. When it rises to a certain position, the connecting rod supports the rubber piston pad to close the water source. When the water level drops, the float also drops, and the connecting rod drives the piston pad to open. It is commonly used for water replenishment of fire pool and roof water tank. When the specified liquid level is reached, the water replenishment will be automatically stopped.
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The above is the detailed introduction of Shanghai Lianggong valve Shandong Sales Office. I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with services in a professional manner //www.rabieb.com


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