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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2022-09-15 发布人:admin
阀门广泛应用于国计民生的各个领域,由于要适应各种不同工况条件的要求,因而它的品种繁多数量巨大。我国的电动执行器制造业十分庞大,阀门厂家数以千计,遍布,目前我国已成为全球阀门产量和市场需求量大的之一。但是我国的阀门行业大多为中小企业,良莠不齐,年产值超亿元的不到 10 家,即使与国内其他机械行业相比,无论在装备上还是技术水平上也存在很大的差距,真正具有独立研究开发产品能力的单位很少,因而在大型石化、核电、油气长输管道线等重大工程项目中,配套的阀门目前主要还是靠进口。
The valves are widely used in various fields of national economy and people's livelihood. Because they need to adapt to the requirements of various working conditions, they have a wide variety and a large number. China's electric actuator manufacturing industry is very large, with thousands of valve manufacturers all over the country. At present, China has become one of the countries with large valve output and market demand in the world. However, most of the valve industries in China are small and medium-sized enterprises, with mixed advantages and disadvantages. There are less than 10 enterprises with an annual output value of more than 100 million yuan. Even compared with other domestic machinery industries, there is a big gap in terms of equipment and technical level. There are few enterprises that really have the ability to independently research and develop high-end products. Therefore, in large petrochemical, nuclear power, oil and gas long-distance pipeline and other major projects, At present, the supporting valves are mainly imported.
The actuator is widely defined as a driving device that can provide linear or rotary motion, and it uses some driving energy and works under the action of some control signal. The actuator uses liquid, gas, electricity or other energy sources and converts them into driving action through motors, cylinders or other devices.
The basic types of valve electric device include three driving modes: part turn, multi turn and linear.
The electric valve device can be divided into two categories: straight stroke and angular stroke. It is an indispensable and important equipment in the automatic control system. Its main task is to convert the control signal sent by the regulator into linear displacement or angular displacement in proportion to drive the valve, baffle and other regulating mechanisms to achieve automatic control. Therefore, it is widely used in the automatic control field of electric power, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical and other industrial sectors.
New technologies, new achievements and mature experience such as microcomputer control and micromachining have been widely adopted and absorbed. The valve electric device has developed rapidly. Now, the microcomputer type valve electric device with the structure mode of "microcomputer+servo system" has been widely used. The microprocessor completes the signal transmission, adjustment parameter switching, status indication, and output of control quantity, so as to improve the flexibility of regulation performance, use, maintenance, and other aspects.
The reliability of the electric valve device refers to its ability to complete the specified functions under the specified conditions and within the specified time.
The "specified conditions" can generally be summarized as:
(1) Environmental conditions: refer to the environmental characteristics that can affect the performance of the valve electric device, such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, magnetic field, mechanical shock, vibration, dust, etc.
(2) Dynamic condition: refers to the dynamic characteristics that can affect the performance of the valve electric device.
(3) Load condition: refers to the load characteristics that can affect the performance of the valve electric device, such as torque, type and characteristics of controlled objects, etc.
(4) Use and maintenance conditions: the reliability of valve electric device can only be realized in use and improved in maintenance. For use and maintenance conditions, the first thing to pay attention to is perfect use and maintenance; Secondly, the operator shall be required to reach the corresponding technical level.
"Specified condition" is an important and easily ignored part in the definition of reliability of valve electric actuator. Under different conditions, its reliability is absolutely different. It is meaningless to talk about reliability without specific conditions. The "specified function" refers to the parameters representing the completion of the task of the electric valve device, such as torque, opening/closing and time, stroke, immobility time, dead zone, etc.
以上就是为大家介绍的有关 良工阀门代理的详细的介绍,希望对您有所帮助.如果您有什么疑问的话,欢迎联系我们.我们将以的态度,为您提供服务 //www.rabieb.com
The above is a detailed introduction about Lianggong Valve Agency, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services //www.rabieb.com


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