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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2022-09-20 发布人:admin
Corrosion has always been a difficult problem in automatic control instruments, and the harm is very serious. Therefore, some automatic systems have to be changed to manual, and corroded instruments and equipment have to be replaced frequently. Therefore, corrosion resistance has always been a concern of domestic and foreign manufacturers and design institutes.
1、 Corrosion resistant materials
(1) Rubber has certain corrosion resistance and is cheap. Therefore, it is widely used in regulating valves of corrosion resistant equipment under low temperature. In the 1950s and 1960s, rubber lined diaphragm valves were produced. In order to regulate the corrosive medium with large flow, a rubber lined butterfly valve is produced. However, the rubber is not completely corrosion resistant, and the use temperature and pressure conditions are limited.
(2) Polytetrafluoroethylene (F4, PTFE for short in foreign languages) is a good corrosion resistant material today, known as the "king of corrosion resistance". It has excellent corrosion resistance and heat resistance, and can be used for a long time at - 250~250 ℃. Except that fluoride and molten alkali metal corrode it under high temperature and pressure, and some halides or aromatic hydrocarbons cause slight expansion, other strong acids (including concentrated nitric acid and aqua regia), strong alkalis, strong oxidants, oils, ketones, ethers, alcohols, etc. do not affect it even under high temperature. It can resist almost all chemical media without being corroded.
(3) Polytetrafluoroethylene propylene is a new material with better corrosion resistance and temperature resistance, which has high chemical stability and excellent chemical corrosion resistance, such as strong acid, strong alkali, strong oxidant, etc. It also has outstanding heat resistance and cold resistance, and can be used for a long time under the temperature of - 00~250 ℃; At the same time, there are no adhesion, no water absorption, no combustion and other characteristics. In addition, the material has good fluidity and can be lined on the surface of components as a corrosion resistant material.
(4) As early as the 1920s and 1930s, there were corrosion resistant alloys such as Hastelloy and Monel abroad, but in the 1950s and 1960s, they started in China. The use of corrosion-resistant alloys in the field of control valves began in the 1980s, but the price of corrosion-resistant alloys is too expensive to be widely used.
2、 Corrosion resistant valve series
(1) Full tetrafluoro corrosion resistant single seat regulating valve
The metal shell and PTFE inlaid structure form are adopted for the all PTFE corrosion resistant single seat regulating valve. The metal shell is generally made of carbon steel or stainless steel. The parts inside the valve body that are in contact with the medium (chamber, channel, throttle parts, etc.) are all made of PTFE, which separates the valve body material from the corrosive medium, so that the corrosive problem can be solved better, especially in sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, wet chlorine and other media. This product obtained the national patent in 92.
(2) Fluorine lined O-ring ball valve
Fluorine lined ball valve, also known as special ball valve for water treatment, is mainly used in the two position control device for strong alkali and water treatment (desalted water). It is lined with fluoroplastics, and the corrosion-resistant materials are lined in the valve body, so as to ensure that the parts contacting with various strong corrosive media are fluoroplastics, which separates the corrosive media from the valve body materials; In terms of structure, the ball core of the ball valve is a part with good rigidity and reliability, which fundamentally solves the problem of unreliable diaphragm of diaphragm valve in the past, improves the reliability of the valve and extends its service life. Therefore, fluorine lined ball valve is a good substitute for diaphragm valve.
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The above is a detailed introduction to Shandong Sales Office of Shanghai Lianggong Valve, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services //www.rabieb.com


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